Thursday, September 24, 2009

eyeCONTACT is pleased to announce it is in the process of receiving substantial financial assistance from Creative New Zealand. The money will be used for the following three purposes:

Firstly to enable me to carry on reviewing several Auckland exhibitions each week over the next year by paying me for my work.

Secondly to help soon place the project within a website format in order to make it more reader-friendly and interactive, make its archives more accessible, and eventually to put ads on so it can become financially self-sustaining.

Thirdly to make it more national in focus by (along with other financial supporters) paying other writers in Dunedin, Christchurch and Wellington in order to circulate information and views - and also in Auckland to get more opinions into the pool of examined discussion.

eyeCONTACT is immensely grateful to Creative New Zealand for this valuable help.


  1. Congratulations, John! I look forward to eyeContact's expansion.

  2. Yes I'm delighted. Appreciative of CNZ and also various other people who've long supported the project and its aims. Am excited about what we are trying to do.
