Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Announcement for forum contributors

Dear eyeCONTACT readers, let's stick by the rules initially set out when I started this site. When commenting on a post, please provide your name in full. I compromised in order to get the ball rolling, and now that momentum has been achieved. From now on, surnames and Christian names are essential.


  1. Thanks David. Well when the strategy becomes counter-productive(as it has been over the past few months), it's time to biff it and get back to basics.

  2. I meant good luck with a hopeless task, John. I understand your frustration with anonymous comments, but I think an insistence on proper names is counter-productive.

    I use my real name cos I reckon that, if you have something to say, you should put your name to it (and cos I don't care what anyone else thinks). However, surely what's said is more important than who said it, especially if it comes down to a choice between having something said and knowing who said it?

    I expect you to get a fair few comments, in a range of different voices, from John Smith.

  3. Well it is not an either /or situation. The two are inseparable.
    Naturally I will trash those who I have good grounds to suspect of lying.

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  5. My surname is just one profile click away - is that considered adequate?

    Well it is not an either /or situation. The two are inseparable.

    Could you elaborate on that?

    Hugh Charse

    Amanda Hagenkiss was taken, was it?

  6. I prefer the info to be accessible.

    'Inseparable' means that an identity adds weight to the comment's content. The speaker is serious.

  7. I wouldn't actually quibble if it wasn't for the topic of this blog, since contemporary art is really just one long uninterrupted reflection on identity, expression and authorship. Surely you are not suggesting that the works of et al. or Wu Ming are less serious than anybody else's?

  8. Certainly not. I'm trying to run a forum the most practical way possible, that's all.I want to prevent verbal abuse of artists, other users, and writers by ensuring people are identifiably accountable for their actions. Dead simple.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. If your name is really Gallery and studio I may want to take a look at the deed poll.

    Okay, I'm going to stop now. As you were.

  11. Hi John,

    I think you are right here with this one - It is dead simple.

    Thanks again for your time on effort on this project

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